
Introduction to Web and HTML

Web Server

Web servers are nothing but the software which helps you to get the requested document from the storage space. In another words when we try to access any webpage at that time browser send request to the web server, web server searches that requested file in its own storage space. Upon finding the file, the server reads it, processes it as-needed, and sends it to the browser.

We have multiple servers available one of them is Apache HTTP Server, which is a free open source web server software. Apache is developed and maintained by an open community of developers under the auspices of the Apache Software Foundation.


For creating an element of a websites HTML tags is used. The name of an HTML element is the name that appears at the beginning of the element's start tag and at the end of the element's end tag.


There are some tags available in HTML for headings which starts from h1 to h6. h1 considered as highest section level and h6 is lowest one.

Usage notes

  • Heading information can be used by user to highlight or to construct a table of content of the document
  • Do not use headings tags to resize text we have css property(font-size) for that.
  • Try to follow heading levels start from h1 followed by h2 and so on considered as a good practice, and also impact the reader as well like they are reading a well structured document.
  • A page should generally have a single h1 element that describes the content of the page.
  • We can have a nested headings as well ,Most screen readers can also generate an ordered list of all the headings on a page, which can help a person quickly determine the hierarchy of the content.


To import the image into document we have img tag.

Now for image we need to have the path of that image so for that we have src as an attribute or you can say property of img tag which contain the path of your image that you want to embed. Without path we cant have the image right? so that why its required attribute of img tag.

Consider for some reason(example network errors, content blocking) the image is not loaded so we need to show the screen reader some alternate text so that it wont break the user experience for tat we have another attribute which called as alt which holds a text description of the image which isn't mandatory but is incredibly useful for accessibility.

We have many others attributes for image tag like if we need to set some height or width of the image then we have height and width attribute same we have sizes as well but sizes works for multiple source sizes separated by comma.

3. Paragraph

To write a structural grouping of any content we have p tag for that. Also to get the dummy paragraph we can use Lorem.